Thursday, March 24, 2011


For this assignment, we learned about rhythm in a picture. Rhythm lets the person who is looking at the picture see movement in a still photo. For example, in this picture I took many of the exact same photos, except i moved the ball to a different position in each one. In order to do this assignment, I blended different photos together and I had to use the selection tool again. I would pick one background picture, select a ball from a different picture, then bring that selection over to my background picture. After doing this many times, it looks as if the ball is traveling into the mug at the other end of the photo. Another tool we learned to use in photoshop were the dodge and burn tools. These tools allow us to make an object look darker or lighter. For example, I used the burn tool under each of the golf balls in order to make it look like there is a shadow under each of them. I also used the burn tool on the golf ball themselves in order to make them look like they were are very similar in color. Using the selection tool allows to make pictures that have rhythm in it and make pictures that look like this.

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