For this assignment, we took portrait pictures of people using different types of lighting. The types of lighting we used were back lighting, front lighting, side lighting and 3/4th lighting. We also took pictures with artificial lighting and pictures with natural lighting. The first picture you see is the artificial lighting. Here i used 3/4 lighting. Side lighting and 3/4 lighting are very similar, but 3/4 lighting leaves a shadow in the shape of a triangle right on the side of the nose, while in side lighting a whole side of the face had a shadow over it. As for the second picture, I took this outside using natural lighting. I also tried using 3/4 lighting here, but since

it was a cloudy day, you can't see many shadows. In photoshop we learned two new techniques to cover up blemishes.

We used the actual blemish removing tool and we learned how to usesurface blur. Using these two tools, you can see less blemishes on the person's skin. We also learned about different lighting effects we can use on our pictures. The third picture has a lighting filter on it. This filter allows the picture to have a certain color to it. This certain color lets

the picture have a specific mood and feeling to it. The fourth picture on here shows another lighting effect we learned to use. This lighting effect is called a lens flare. If you look on the right side of the picture, you can see a lighter spot. This adds more light to the picture and adds emphasis on certain areas of the picture.
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